Monday, September 29, 2008


It is 2:15 PM and I am watching CNN, hardly believing the news anchor: “The House rejects the $ 700 billion bailout plan”, the DOW plunges 700 points”. Wow!

This is an outrage. The citizens of the United States, I am afraid, are mad as hell and asking themselves what else can go wrong. Presumably, however, the only gentlemen not paying attention to this tragic news are those former CEOs who already pocketed tens of millions of dollars after screwing our financial system.
Believe me; like most Americans, I feel a deep disgust for the type of unscrupulous CEOs who wrecked the whole financial system and for the politicians in Washington, D.C unable to put partisan politics aside and for once act unselfishly. It has been widely said that politicians and used car salesman are not to be trusted. Now, let’s add the CEOs of commercial and and investment banks.

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