Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Barack Obama, Presidente of the United States of America

Barack Obama’s Audacity of Hope prevailed over John McCain’s The Luxury of Negative and Nasty Thoughts. Barack Obama is the President-elect of the United States of America not only because he inspired people with the power of his message for change, not racial or generational change, but change in the manner the economic affairs of the nation are conducted and change in the way we must deal with other nations. More importantly however, he won because he is intellectually superior, better educated and better informed that John McCain. He won because, unlike John McCain, he has the ability to think through domestic and international issues and intelligently analyze the wide range of possible solutions. He won because, unlike McCain, he can clearly distinguish between the significant and the insignificant and that was amply demonstrated in the selection of running mates.

The American people understood that there was a need to elect a president not only with a sense of the general direction in which he wishes to move, but with a sense, also, of the direction in which the times require him to move; these are very different things. John McCain wished to continue to pursue the economic and foreign policies of George W. Bush, policies that have the economy on the brink of a depression (if not in one already) and the country engaged in two very expensive wars in dollars and cents and, more importantly, in human lives.

Barack Obama clearly demonstrated that he has a better sense of the general direction the country needs to take and he persuaded the American people that time is of the essence, that we couldn’t afford another four years of the same. He understands that we need drastic changes. He knows that in just eight years we have gone from the most prosperous country in the world to an America deep in a financial crisis. He understands that the American Dream is going down the drain and that American jobs are flowing overseas. He understands that foreigners are seizing our markets and beating us at our own game.

No one that followed this presidential campaign can’t be greatly disgusted by how vicious was the scrutiny that Senator Obama was subjected to by the McCain/Palin team. For no other reason than the color of his skin, he had to endure the most rigorous negative attacks that any presidential candidate has ever been subjected to in American presidential campaigns. And, probably for the same reason, he knows that from the day that he takes office all that can be said against him and his policies, legitimate or not, is certain to be said.


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